Special Bolt Manufacturing - M12 Bolt with 55mm Head

  • 2 July 2014
  • case studies


Here's another example of our special bolt manufacturing capabilities!

A garden centre in Manchester was having problems with skateboarders skating down the sides of their concrete flower beds, causing damage to the flowers. A solution was needed that utilised the existing tapped holes.

The solution, after consultation with our technical sales team, was an M12 fully threaded bolt (or setscrew, as they are commonly known) with a head that measured 55mm across flats, which was manufactured to the customer's requirements in our onsite machine shop.

Our state of the art onsite manufacturing facilities enable us to produce special fasteners in Metric, UNC & UNF as well as the older British threadforms BA, BSF & BSW, in a wide range of materials and grades.

Contact our technical sales team - we can find a solution to meet your requirements!